General information about
Oberschulzentrum Schlanders

Oberschulzentrum Schlanders (OSZ Schlanders) is a German-speaking public secondary school centre located in Schlanders, the capital of the Vinschgau Valley, a side valley in the west of the trilingual Italian border province of South Tyrol. OSZ Schlanders is home to approximately 600 students aged 14 to 19, approximately 100 teachers and a non-teaching staff of approximately 20.  

It combines four high schools: the Realgymnasium (RG), the Sprachengymnasium (SG), the technologische Fachoberschule (TFO) and the wirtschaftliche Fachoberschule (WFO). The OSZ offers all students a very good basic education in its four schools, each with a specific specialisation. All schools offer five-year programmes and conclude with the state final examination (Matura). 


Realgymnasium (RG) 

TheRealgymnasium Schlanders (RG) focusing on mathematics and natural sciences, is – together with the Sprachengymnasium (SG) – located at 6 St Franziskusstraße in Schlanders. A school week consists of 34 to 35 50-minute lessons, a good third of which are spent on studying biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and information technology. The students also study four languages (German, Italian, English, Latin), history, philosophy, religion, law and basic economics and they also do sports, arts, art history. The teaching methods vary greatly and allow the approximately 120 students to do hands-on experiments in the science labs, to practise the various languages in open, communicative learning contexts, to engage in critical thinking and to develop all the skills necessary to do well at university or in a demanding job environment. School outings, field trips, excursions, language weeks in an Italian-speaking environment or student exchanges with partner schools all over Europe also provide the students with stimulating school and learning experiences.  


Sprachengymnasium (SG) 

The Sprachengymnasium Schlanders (SG) focusing on languages, communication and cultural interaction, is – together with the Realgymnasium (RG) – located at 6 St Franziskusstraße in Schlanders. A school week consists of 34 to 35 50-minute lessons, more than half of which are spent on studying German, Italian, English, Latin and French or Spanish (The students choose French or Spanish in their first year at the Sprachengymnasium). The approximately 140 students from various cultural backgrounds also study mathematics, natural sciences (physics, biology, chemistry) and information technology. In addition, they also do history, philosophy, religion, law and economics as well as sports, arts, art history. The teaching methods are aimed at encouraging open discussions, fluent communication in the various languages, critical thinking as well as at interacting with people, texts and digital (re)sources. After five years the students are well prepared to continue their studies at a college or a university; their solid language skills also provide them with lots of job opportunities in tourism and at companies with international business partners. School outings, online projects, excursions, language weeks in an Italian speaking environment and especially student exchanges with partner schools in a number of European countries (Netherlands 2023, Spain and France in 2024) also provide the students with stimulating school and learning experiences.  


Technologische Fachoberschule (TFO) 

The Technologische Fachoberschule (TFO) focusing on Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics and Energy, is – together with the administration office and the management of the OSZ Schlanders – located at Protzenweg 10 in Schlanders. A school week consists of 35 to 36 50-minute lessons, more than half of which are spent on acquiring basic knowledge and skills in technical and scientific subjects as well as practical skills in the workshop, laboratory, drawing and computer room. The approximately 180 students also study German, Italian, English, religion, law and economics as well as sports. From Year 3 onwards, students specialise in mechanical engineering, mechatronics and energy and deal with the development and implementation of machines and systems, as well as their control, regulation and automation. The specialisation subjects correspond to the production process in a company, which is why the technical subjects are coordinated so that end products can be realised as part of the lessons. In addition, students gain insights into production and work processes through company visits and work placements. Field trips, excursions, language weeks in an Italian-speaking environment or projects with local businesses also provide the students with stimulating school and learning experiences.  


Wirtschaftsfachoberschule (WFO)

The Wirtschaftsfachoberschule (WFO) focusing on economics is located at Plawennpark 3 in Schlanders. A school week consists of 34 to 35 50-minute lessons. Particular attention is paid to the areas of business administration, economics and law. The approximately 160 students also study German, Italian and English. Students can choose between two school specializations: „Business and Tourism“ or „Business and Sport“. The former focuses on the basics of tourism by learning about tourist facilities and businesses, basic cultural knowledge and the development of tourism in South Tyrol and the Vinschgau Valley. In the area of „Business and Sport“, the students‘ sporting interests are supported and participation in sporting competitions is prepared and encouraged. As part of the sports lessons and interdisciplinary learning opportunities, the students deal with sports science, anatomy, first aid and healthy nutrition, among other things. Next to field trips, excursions, language weeks in an Italian-speaking environment and projects with local businesses, a special offer at the school is participation in the so-called training company, a simulated company that mirrors the activities and work processes of a real company.


Blended Learning at the Oberschulzentrum Schlanders 

After the Corona pandemic, Oberschulzentrum Schlanders decided to use the advantages of face-to-face learning and working and those of digital learning and working and blended learning was introduced. In the form of learning that is independent of time and place, new scope for individualization and personalization in digital learning was identified, and thus for increased intrinsic motivation and new enthusiasm. This ensures that all schools of the OSZ Schlanders are geared towards the future and take into account the requirements of young people’s future working and living environments. Therefore, three to five lessons per week are digital lessons for which students get weekly assignments in general to be done asynchronously and autonomously. Teachers are at their disposal as learning coaches via MS Teams chat or scheduled MS Teams online meetings.   


Oberschulzentrum Schlanders as a South Tyrolean Education Board’s Piloting School 2023/24-2026/27

In order to use the opportunities and innovative impulses of the Corona and post Corona pandemic in a targeted manner for the further development of good teaching in inclusive schools and to be able to set out on our journey with additional external guidance and support from the German Education Board, OSZ Schlanders applied to be a piloting school for the German Education Board’s „Pathways to Education 2030 – good teaching in inclusive schools“ focus.  


As one of only 6 pilot schools, the school centre has committed to: 

  • anchor „good teaching in the inclusive school“ as a focus in the school centre’s strategic document,
  • be prepared to further develop teaching together as a school community and to anchor teamwork,
  • deal specifically with the German Education Board’s policy document „Good teaching in inclusive schools“,
  • identify the areas in which there is a need for development at the school centre in relation to the „Good teaching in inclusive schools“ policy document,
  • set development priorities on this basis and subsequently carry out a three-year school development process,
  • revise its school curriculum, taking into account the „Good teaching in inclusive schools“ policy document,
  • strive for networking for cooperation with other schools,
  • carry out evaluations in the course of the school development process and make appropriate course corrections where necessary,
  • implement proven measures and make them part of its school culture.


Erasmus+ Projekte und internationale Partnerschaften
Erasmus+ projects and international partnerships


Erasmus+ – EcoWarriors – Cross-Border Guardians of National Parks

Schüler*innen aus Schlanders und Irland setzen sich für nachhaltigen Umgang mit der Natur ein. *** Students from Schlanders and Ireland Unite for Sustainable Nature Practices


Exploring Ljubljana: The 3AB TFO Project Trip

In the second week of April, the students of 3AB TFO embarked on an exciting trip to Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia.


Zwei Schulleiter on tour ;)

Besuch in Ljubljana


UN-Schülerdelegierte des Sprachen- und Realgymnasium Schlanders debattieren für ein gemeinsames Europa

Fonsorbes nahe Toulouse im Südwesten Frankreichs war das Ziel des diesjährigen Leistungskurses für Sprachen an unseren beiden Schulen.